Life of Ralph

This will give you a glimpse into my life, the rise and fall, the trial and tribulations and the ongoing challenges that I face on a daily basis. I write, I drink, I read, I watch movies, I travel (when i can afford it) and chicks just don't get me.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Troubles of Sobriety

FYI: This was written a few months before the last post.

You're at the bar it's 1:30Am with your friends. The bartender screams "Last Call", you are rushing to order your last round of drinks before the bartender stops serving alcohol due to this f*ckin ridiculous law. "Why can't Cali be more like Vegas, where you can drink 24'7. Seriously, "they just don't want me to party" This was my scenario all the time back in the day except it wasn't 1:30AM it was 1:30PM and I was alone. Yep, I was drinking like it was last call and more often than not I was completely alone, mainly due to the fact that my friends had jobs and I was living off the G.I Bill.

I am for the most part sober now, I don't really drink as often and definitely not like I used to. Certain experiences brought me to reality and no a woman did not save me and show me the light(thats usually only in the movies). Although....

Every now and then, when I isten to certain music or when I pass by a local dive bar and see everyone outside smoking, I get all nostalgic and my throat starts yearning for the sweet taste of Bourbon. Normally I chuckle, think about the old days and remember how it feels to just let lose. THEN i think about the lack of control, the horrible morning afters with the splitting headaches while I'm hovering over a toilet bowl, and unfortunately the only way to feel better is one of two ways: 1)drink more, which will make you feel better in no time OR 2)sleep, which will probably take atleast all day. So why not just take the easy way out and drink more right?

So, now I just pass by the bar and try to associate negative things with drinking and bars as a deterrent. But we're all human and mistakes do happen...sometimes.

off the wagon

We all have our weaknesses. It might be delicious twinkies, or maybe cheesy pop songs, but my main weakness and ultimate demon is booze. For better or worse, booze is it for me.

No other thing on this planet has brought me as much pleasure and destruction as booze. AND to make things worse, I'm a lonely asshole, but once I drink, I'm the lonely asshole surrounded by people. It's odd how things work. You choose sobriety and you are alone like as if you were in the vacuum of space. Start drinking and you have friends ready to party it up. Where was I on this social spectrum?

Obviously I wasn't sober from the get-go, but I cut my drinking drastically. Had a drink maybe once a month or so and when I did it was one or two beers. Fast forward to this past week and I gotta be honest, I drank more this week than I have combined the previous year. So where does that leave us?

I won't sugarcoat things. I will probably drink again, more than likely this friday when I go to a Comedy show I got free tickets for. But I'm going to work on not drinking as much, maybe I might not drink at all, but you know me better than that.